We offer our patients therapeutic,
diagnostic and gynecological operations.

Modern technologies allow to minimize the traumatism of operations, the period of stay in the hospital (from 2 to 6 hours) and the period of postoperative recovery.
Diagnostic operations
Cervical biopsy
Taking a small section of pathologically altered cervical epithelium for histological examination; performed under local anesthesia.
Endometrial biopsy
Taking a small section of the uterine mucosa from one or more areas for histological examination; performed under local anesthesia.
This is a diagnostic manipulation to determine the patency of the fallopian tubes and the condition of the uterine cavity.
Using a thin soft catheter, a solution is injected into the uterine cavity and the condition of the uterine cavity and fallopian tubes is assessed under the control of an ultrasound machine.
For maximum patient comfort, the examination is performed under intravenous anesthesia.
Duration of echosalpingoscopy is 15 - 20 minutes. -
Hysteroscopy is a modern low-traumatic visual method of diagnosis and treatment.
In this case, a thin tube (hysteroscope) with an optical system and a special conductor for instruments is inserted through the cervix into the uterine cavity.
Thus, we get an enlarged image of the cervical canal and its cavity, and make a targeted sample of the endometrium for histological examination.
Therapeutic and diagnostic operations
Hysteroscopy is a modern low-traumatic visual method of diagnosis and treatment.
In this case, a thin tube (hysteroscope) with an optical system and a special conductor for instruments is inserted through the cervix into the uterine cavity.
Thus, we get an enlarged image of the cervical canal and its cavity, which allows to detect and eliminate intrauterine pathology, remove foreign bodies, remove polyps, fibroids, adhesions, septa, if necessary, supplemented by taking a scraping of the cervical mucosa and uterine cavity for histological examination. -
Cervical conization
A surgical procedure in which the pathologically altered outer (vaginal) part of the cervix and part of the cervical canal in the form of a cone are cut off.
The obtained material is sent for histological examination. This allows you to clarify the degree and depth of pathological changes and fully eliminate the lesions. -
Cryoapplication of the cervix
This is the most non-traumatic way of active treatment of cervical diseases.
In this case, a superficial freezing of the cervix is carried out, which leads to further rejection of diseased tissues, and self-replacement with healthy ones.
The procedure is almost painless, does not require additional anesthesia, and most importantly does not leave scars on the cervix.
Can be used for donors who have not given birth.

Indications for hysteroscopy
- Menstrual disorders (bleeding, scanty menstruation, absence of menstruation) in women of reproductive age
- Bloody discharge in postmenopause
- Endometrial tissue damage (endometrial pathology - polyps, internal endometriosis)
- Infertility
- Repeated miscarriage of pregnancy
- Preparation for the IVF program
- Monitoring the dynamics of treatment in hormonal diseases
- Complicated course of the postpartum period
- Suspicion of uterine abnormalities, synechiae (adhesions) and septum in the uterine cavity
- Submucosal uterine fibroids (diagnostic hysteroscopy)
- Suspicion of the presence of tumors in the uterus
- Finding out the position of the intrauterine device, removal of IUD or foreign bodies
• General infectious and inflammatory diseases (flu, sore throat, acute thrombophlebitis, pyelonephritis, etc.)
• Acute inflammatory diseases of the genital organs
• Dysbiosis (dysbacteriosis) of the vagina, 4th degree of purity of vaginal smears
• Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys in the stage of decompensation
• Pregnancy
• Common cervical cancer
• Profuse uterine bleeding
Routine hysteroscopy is preferably performed in the proliferative phase (7 - 13 days of the menstrual cycle). In order to assess the state of the endometrium - 3-5 days before menstruation.